Our partners


You can help our Botanical Garden become still better and more beautiful, and help it reach a higher level of service.

You could fund the purchase of plants that are needed for our collections.  We will select the species and varieties which we have sought for a long time, and you could pay the cost.

You could help with the repair of the Greenhouse or with meeting other challenges: installing access ramps for handicapped visitors, purchasing materials needed for daily operations (soil, pots, fertilizer, tools).

You could sponsor an event (pay for equipment rental, performances by artists, printing and distributing posters).)

If you would like to help the Botanical Garden, and become our partner, write to us by email at: irkbogard@gmail.com

Our partners

Western Baikal Protected Areas

Great Baikal trail

Irkutsk zoo

Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS

Botanic Garden of Tver State University

Baikal Lmnological Museum


Mountains to Sound Greenway